Lesson: Women in Power and Influence

  • Day 1- Political Leaders

    Students will be provided a list of influential political leaders throughout the history of Argentina. They will individually or in partners select one they will learn about such as their contributions to their country and how they helped shape the future of Argentina. Students will choose from a variety of assignment option ranging from a brief report, illustration, powerpoint, or presentation.

  • Day 2- Influencers

    If there’s one thing we know, is that people of a a nation are not only shaped by their leaders, but their influencers. On this day, students will be provided a list of famous influencers of Argentina from past and present. They will briefly research their selected person and create a social media page for them if they were alive today. Their assignment should include content such as images, things they stand for, captions, and trends they set.

  • Day 3- Afrofeminists

    The great nations of America are strongly shaped by the presence of many African descendants. On the last day, we will learn about some of the most honorable Afrofeminists of Argentina and how they helped shape the Argentina we know of today. To ensure students understand the importance these women had in the history of Argentina, they will provide a brief report explaining how they believe Argentina would be different today had it not been for these courageous women and their contributions to their country.