Week 2

Our second week in Buenos Aires was one of my favorite weeks. We visited one of the world famous cemeteries, Cementerio La Recoleta, where we were lucky enough to snag a personal tour of the beautiful tombs that currently house some of the most famous leaders and celebrities alike from Argentina. Probably the most famous tomb here is Eva Peron lovingly remembered as Evita. She was Argentina’s most iconic First Lady idolized by the country as a whole to this day. Evita is just one of many iconic figures who were laid to rest here. Others include, Isabel Walewski, the illegitimate grandchild of Napoleon Bonaparte, Dorrego- Ortiz Basualdo, a wealthy businessman who probably has the most beautiful mausoleum in the cemetery. Rufina Cambaceres, who carries a legend of being buried alive. Luis Angel Firpo, also known as The Wild Bull of the Pampas. He was a Argentine boxer and outside his mausoleum stands a life-sized statue of him. Liliana Crociati also has a life-sized bronze statue standing outside her tomb alongside her beloved dog. We were told if you rub the dogs nose that it will bring you good luck. Although the statue is mostly green from oxidation, the dog’s nose is gold from all the rubs it has received from visitors seeking its blessing. The cemetery was a true work of art and one of my favorite places to explore.

In addition to the cemetery, we also toured one of the fútbol stadiums in River Plate. This opportunity allowed us to learn how much of Argentinian culture is made-up by their common love for the sport. It truly is more than a sport to this country. It brings communities together and allows many families opportunities for a better life through scholarships and outreach.

Additionally, we were able to explore the city more independently this week (sort of!). We partnered up and were each given a monumental location to learn more about. I was fortunate enough to be paired up with Lexa Hernandez and together we went to Cafe Tortoni and El Gato Negro. Cafe Tortoni is an iconic cafe that was opened in 1858 known for their delicious hot chocolate and churros. Many famous people are known to have dined there over the years and are memorialized through pictures and statues inside. El Gato Negro is also a popular cafe known for their spices, teas, and coffees!

Lastly, we all visited Lujan, Argentina. It is a small town outside of Buenos Aires, and like most towns, they have a beautiful cathedral in the center plaza. What makes this cathedral so special is La Virgen inside the church who is believed to bring an abundance of blessings for those who show sacrifice in her honor. People are known to travel on foot from long distances away in search of her blessing. We ate delicious food and got to explore the local shops surrounding the area!


Week 1 (July 3- 9)


Week 3 (July 17- 23)